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¿Qué hay para usted?
Descubra todo su potencial con entrenamiento y tutoría de natación artística personalizados y basados en la ciencia, que se ofrecen en línea, en persona o mediante programas personalizados, diseñados para mejorar su rendimiento tanto físico como mental.
Nuestra misión
¡Bienvenido! Aquí encontrarás las herramientas, las estrategias y la orientación que te ayudarán a alcanzar tu máximo rendimiento. Nuestra filosofía de entrenamiento se centra en brindarte la precisión, la eficiencia y los métodos basados en la ciencia que necesitas para destacar en tu deporte. Ya seas un atleta, un entrenador o parte de un equipo, nos dedicamos a ayudarte a alcanzar tus objetivos, tanto físicos como mentales, al liberar el poder de la mentalidad y el entrenamiento consciente.
Aquí es donde Reem Bossaty comparte su experiencia contigo, para que puedas convertir tu potencial en éxito.
Nuestros servicios
Laura Strugnell
SA Olympian
"I’ve been transformed as an athlete, coach, and person because of Reem. In my experience, she has the perfect balance as a coach, understanding her athletes deeply and adapting to our mental, physical, and emotional needs. She taught me that the mental and emotional aspects of being an athlete are distinct, and that with the right mindset, I could achieve anything physically. While we hoped for a miracle in a limited amount of time, Reem showed us that while she could guide us, the real miracle had to come from within."
Kyra Donahue
USA National Medalist
"Reem Abdalazem is not just a coach; she is an intelligent strong-hearted figure who molded me into the best version of myself, prying away at my insecurities, till they were no longer. She taught me that challenges are to be accepted with excitement, for growth comes in the process. With her guidance, we were broken down in order to be built back up again ten times stronger. She taught me that life is not always fair and how to find comfort in that uncertainty. She taught me how to cope with every feeling, every urge, and every thought. She made me so much stronger. Reem changed my life forever."
Chris Carver
AS Legend & renowned USA Olympic Coach with the only perfect 100 score in Olympic history
“Reem, one of my talents is recognizing talents. I recognize and appreciate it in you. You are a phenomena.”
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